Growth and Prosperity

Livestock and their products are social and economic assets central to the livelihoods of almost one in five people on the planet, significantly contributing to equitable, sustainable and resilient economic growth.

Targeted investments can help small-scale livestock producers and related businesses—and the communities and countries where they operate—prosper through the many income and employment opportunities available in the livestock sector. These benefits are achievable via sustainable practices that ensure livestock production stays within planetary boundaries.


Livestock production in developing countries is growing rapidly and will continue to do so for decades, which is opening major pathways out of poverty for nearly 700 million small-scale producers living on less than $1.90 a day.
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Support pastoralist communities

In dry areas, where livestock underpin livelihoods, improving livestock assets and safeguarding access to grazing land will help communities overcome conflict, drought and other climate shocks, and sustainably manage rangelands
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Support mixed smallholder farms

On mixed crop-livestock farms that produce most of the world’s livestock products, appropriate market-driven solutions will help farmers sustainably intensify production, providing income and livelihoods and offering opportunities to empower women
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