Livestock production in developing countries is growing rapidly and will continue to do so for decades, which is opening major pathways out of poverty for nearly 700 million small-scale producers living on less than $1.90 a day.
Core message
- Livestock production offers a wealth of sustainable enterprises along the dairy, beef, camel, small ruminant, pig and poultry livestock value chains— from supplying feed and veterinary services to the processing, marketing and sale of dairy, egg, meat and other products.
- Livestock-related enterprises in urban, peri-urban and rural areas offer profitable and relatively easy ways for women and young people, especially, to find jobs, earn money and feed their families.
- Despite rising demand, livestock productivity is often low and market systems are inefficient. This opens up opportunities – now – for producers, entrepreneurs, businesses and governments to increase efficiencies by profitably investing in improved practices, market and product development and business models that make food systems secure, benefit the environment and make livestock products widely accessible.
- Investment in the livestock sector rarely matches its proven economic and social importance; most agricultural development funding instead flows to crop production.