Women and youth-centred livestock development
While gender disparity is a major societal issue across the globe, the dynamics in sub-Saharan Afrcia are particularly concerning. The proportion of women living in extreme poverty compared to male counterparts is slightly higher in sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa also has the highest prevalence of food insecurity, with more than 50% of female population being food insecure. Women are also less likely to access critical opportunities such as education and have limited access to productive assets. Livestock provides an entry point for women and youth empowerment and household nutrition. For instance, livestock is one of the few productive assets that women can control and utilize to secure daily income as well as the nutrition of their household and of themselves.
Increased women's access/ ownership of livestock is strongly associated with increased intake of animal sourced foods and nutritional status of children. In Ethiopia and Tanzania, ILRI and its partners, through the Women in Business Chicken Dissemination Project, have supported women groups and veterinarians in the chicken value chain. Women have reported increased incomes which allows them to pay school fees for children and better nutrition.