
Impacts of livestock development investment: Documented positive impacts of livestock-related interventions in Africa, Asia and Latin America

Core message

The evidence gathered reflects observed patterns and outcomes occurring in existing smallholder and pastoral livestock systems, as well as some of the causal factors.

The question thus remains: what can be done to replicate these positive impacts? How can a social investor or donor leverage livestock development to effectively achieve desired welfare and environmental impacts in these five categories? This current exercise goes beyond that work to document evidence of positive impacts that can be achieved through specific livestock-related interventions and investments. In short, while we previously demonstrated the many ways in which livestock are important, this work takes the next step to translate that into new livestock investments which can successfully positively impact people, their communities, and the environment.

This report thus provides options for livestock investment and interventions by social investors and donors, based on reliable evidence of positive outcomes from past livestock-related interventions and investments generated by rigorous and published ex post impact studies.

Full citation

Staal, S., Wanyoike, F. and Ballantyne, P. 2020. Impacts of livestock development investment: Documented positive impacts of livestock-related interventions in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.

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