
Side event

Herding Change for Climate-Smart Innovations

Core message

Join us at the Africa Food Systems Forum 2024 in Kigali to uncover the unexpected solutions transforming Africa’s food systems for a sustainable future!


While livestock contributes to climate change, it is also crucial for improving livelihoods, healthy diets, building resilience and empowering African women and youth. How can we realize its untapped potential to transform Africa’s food systems while reducing its climate and environmental impact? The key lies in climate-smart innovations and technologies. 

These surprising solutions can transform agricultural practices, boost productivity, and mitigate climate impacts, paving the way for a sustainable future for all. This side event will present climate-smart technologies and innovations for livestock that have demonstrated readiness for large-scale adoption. We will highlight practical examples of successful implementation, focusing on their impact on productivity, sustainability and climate resilience. 

A Zipline drone delivers an artificial insemination kit for smallholder pig farmers in Gakenke district (photo credit: V37).
A Zipline drone delivers an artificial insemination kit for smallholder pig farmers in Gakenke district (photo credit: Land O’Lakes Venture37).

The session will address these key questions: 

  1. What scalable technologies can transform livestock systems to mitigate climate impacts, support adaptation, and sustainably meet the growing demand for animal-sourced foods? 
  1. What bold collaborations and strategies can be employed to bundle innovations for enhanced climate resilience and sustainability in livestock and food systems? 
  1. How can we stimulate investments in technologies that transition livestock systems to climate-smart, sustainable practices? 

This event will be two parts:

Session 1 – Rapid-fire innovations showcase: 

Session 2 – Hard-talk discussion: 

Both sessions will be moderated by Shirley Tarawali, Assistant Director General and Chair of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock, ILRI.

About the organizers

Advancing Livestock For Climate (ALive4Climate) unites organizations and individuals dedicated to transforming livestock systems to achieve societal goals, recognizing their role in sustainable agri-food systems. This global community leverages collective resources and expertise to highlight the importance of livestock in the Global South, advocating for evidence-based campaigns, communication, and policies at all levels to support sustainable livestock and animal agriculture.

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