Partnerships and investment in livestock health
With the increasing demand for the production of more for a growing population, there is a greater threat to human, animal, and ecosystem health - 75% of emerging human infections come from animals. Livestock and livestock products are at the center of this transmission chain of zoonotic diseases as they interact with wildlife and ecosystems and are consumed by humans. Livestock is also a significant contributor to antimicrobial resistance in humans. "In addition to human health burdens, zoonoses reduce livestock productivity and are important barriers to trade in livestock products, as well as causing more difficulty to quantify harms such as spillover to wildlife populations". Furthermore, global warming is putting a lot more people and their animals at greater risk of infectious diseases. Increased incidence of climate-sensitive diseases, and/or expansion of spatial ranges of biological vectors and agents they carry have been observed in many regions of the world, especially in countries that have poor surveillance systems.
ILRI's BUILD (Boosting Uganda's Investments in Livestock Development) project aims to support existing structures to scale solutions for addressing animal health. The project has provided protocols for investigating outbreaks of key diseases such as PesteDes Petits Ruminants (PPR), supported institutions for disease control and trained local animal health officers of disease surveillance.