Identifying and promoting improved livestock breeds
With the livestock sector being both a victim and contributor (through GHG emissions), improving livestock genetics provides a double-edged solution that can enhance the adaptability of animals while reducing their emissions. Programs such as the Africa Dairy Genetics Gain(ADGG) and Enviro-cow are supporting livestock breeding initiatives by developing tailored strategies informed by data on animal genetics and testing of animal products eg milk composition. In doing so, livestock with desired characteristics are identified and their genetic material is conserved and distributed through AI or community-breeding programs. Combined with efforts to improve access to and consumption of crucial animal products such as milk, such initiatives also help address the undernourishment which is highly prevalent in low-income countries while also improving economic gains from dairy. The African Chicken Genetic Gains/ Tropical Poultry Genetic Solutions has also been focusing on the genetics, feed, health and financial aspects of the poultry value chains.
Through trainings on better livestock husbandry and feeding strategies, livestock keepers report upto 60% increase in milk production, with direct benefits on the incomes of livestock keepers. ADGG has reached more than 12,000 dairy farmers in Ethiopia and Tanzania and is providing information and support services to 60,000 farmers. ADGG is also supporting a private-public partnership for Artificial Insemination Delivery (PAID) to enhance access to AI and veterinary services.