
Livestock and economy. Does the livestock sector make up 40% of total agricultural GDP globally?

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Fact Check 2: Livestock and Economy The Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) series, Livestock Fact Check, investigates the provenance of popular livestock related facts. The objective is to ensure robust, up-to-date and appropriately interpreted facts inform relevant discussions and decisions. Globally, 40% is a figure regularly quoted as being the contribution that livestock makes to total agricultural production, in terms of gross domestic product (GDP). In many cases, the provenance of the figure is unascertainable. Where does the fact originate? Is it up-to-date and relevant?

Full citation

Salmon, G. 2018. Livestock and economy. Does the livestock sector make up 40% of total agricultural GDP globally? LD4D Livestock Fact Check 2. Edinburgh: Supporting Evidence Based Interventions project, University of Edinburgh.

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