
Panel: The unique role of nutrient-dense animal proteins for sustainable food security

Core message

Open attendance, seating limited

No livestream but recordings available after event

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Discuss the unique role of nutrient-dense animal-source foods in healthy diets and the intersection of health, food security, and environmental impact.

Key messages

  • Animal-source foods are critical sources of high-quality protein and essential nutrients needed in healthy diets, particularly for women, children, aging and low-income populations. These nutrients are not easily replaceable from other sources.
  • Nutrient-deficiencies are common, even in high-income countries.
  •  Scientific evidence is key to accurately measuring and understanding the environmental impact of livestock production, in order to produce these necessary foods sustainably.


Moderator: Eric Mittenthal, NAMI

  • Diana Rodgers, RD, Executive Director of the Global Food Justice Alliance
  • Dr. Adegbola Adesogan, Director of the University of Florida Food Systems Institute
  • Dr. Sol Ortiz, Director for Policy, Planning, and Climate Change, Mexican Ministry of Agriculture
  • Muhammad Ibrahim, Director General of the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE)
  • Dr. Frank Mitloehner, Director of the UC Davis CLEAR Center (recorded)