Herding Change: Sustainable Livestock Innovation by Women and Youth - side event at AGRF
Core message
In African food systems, animal source foods (i.e. milk, meat and eggs) can play a critical role in addressing challenges to food security, nutrition, employment, economic growth and climate adaptation, particularly for women and youth.
This session will shed light on the transformative power of sustainable livestock practices in Africa, focusing on women and youth entrepreneurship in the livestock sector. By showcasing successful business models from East Africa and identifying entry points within livestock value chains, the session strives to inspire action and develop recommendations that foster inclusivity and support for these groups while addressing climate-related challenges in the sector.
Moderator: Shirley Tarawali, ILRI
- Jemimah Wanjiku, Co-Founder, DigiCow (Kenya) - Heifer Intl.
- Netsanet Solomon, Co-Owner, Kaleb, Ephrem and Netsanet Poultry Farming Enterprise (Ethiopia) - SNV
- Margaret Munene, Managing Director, Palmhouse Dairies (Kenya) - Global Dairy Platform
- Elizabeth Swai, Founder, AKM Glitters integrated Poultry business (Tanzania)
Joachim Balakana, National Coordinator, Tanzania, Land O’ Lakes Venture37
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